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Struggling to Get Back on Track After Having a Baby? Relax so am I!


After becoming pregnant everything became about the pregnancy. I was reading and researching everything about pregnancy, labor, babies and what not. After the baby was born…That’s when the real challenges began. I'm a first time mother and for me that transition from being a new mom was pretty overwhelming…For me at least. I was breastfeeding on demand and super sleep deprived for the first year of my babies life. My baby is two years old now and I have to tell you that I am now staring to feel like my old self. Having babies is a huge change on a women's life. Your body changes drastically and your mentality as well.


I have struggled getting back into routine ever since I had the baby, getting back to working out and being healthier. Social media pressure women into looking perfect right after having a baby. But let me tell you it doesn't work that way. While some women might recover quickly others might take longer. Take time to relax and work things slowly. After two years of having my baby I can tell you that I'm back to my pre-baby weight. Although and back to my pre-baby weight I still have plenty of work to do to improve my health and body. With that said it has become very difficult for me to establish a daily routine to just get everything that I need to do out of the way. I catch my self starting things over and over again. Specially when it comes to working out. But ever since I have taken things more relax and take that pressure of social media that my body needs to be thin and flawless. Things have become more smooth and I have more respect and self love for my self and my body. Because you can’t change your body by hating it.


It's quite a journey because you have to be comfortable with your imperfect self. I work every day to improve my body but that doesn't mean that I have to wait till my body is perfectly fit to love it and show it. Taking time to take care of yourself is important. Sometimes we get lost on the mommy and house duties that we forget about our self. I am now on a journey to self love and to get into healthier habits for a more balanced and happy life. I hope that by sharing my journey and struggles I can motive other people to do the same . Also to show women that they are not alone in their journey and that everyone has difficulties.


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Rachel Love Yourself First Positive Life

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