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"See First" Facebook Feature Option-How to Use it to Your Advantage.

By now you have probably noticed the "See First" Facebook option.

So now I am going to give you some tips on how to use it to get motivation.

First of all what does it mean to put someone on your "See First" list?

It means that when you open Facebook the first post you will see on your news feed will be those post of the people/pages you chose to "See First".

How can you use this feature to your best advantage?

You can choose to add people/pages to your "See first" list by what your current goal is.

For example

If you are trying to work out. Add people that motivate you to work out. That way the first post you see when you open Facebook are those of motivation to work out.

I'm currently working on my blog. So for my "See First" I added people/pages that give tips on how to blog. People that give business tips, positive body image babes, and people that inspire me to be and stay positive.

You can add up to 30 people/pages to "See First". This is a great way to stay motivated to get inspiration and to start taking action.

So what are you waiting for?

Start adding people to your "See First" list and make a change. This is a simple way to get motivated and stay positive.

Because people/pages we follow on social media have an impact in our life whether we believe it or not. So follow people/pages that are going to help you or make you want to be better and improve every day.

And of coarse I would feel super honored and exited if you added my page to your "See First" list.

So give it a try NOW.


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Thank You!


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